We are training future Arizona Scientists, Technologists, Engineers-Artists, and Mathematicians!
John B. Wright Elementary School provides a rich and fertile learning field where we cultivate a brilliant harvest of thinkers, innovators, inventors, problem solvers, artists, communicators, and leaders who not only fill the jobs of the future but who have the intelligence and the fortitude to forge a future that will positively impact our planet.
Our classrooms and learning gardens are environments that are rich with the joy of discovery, wonderment, STEM related discourse between the teachers and students, hands on learning, and for all that participate….an adventure where knowledge acquisition intersects with relevant experiences!
The John B. Wright Faculty and Staff is committed to:
- Implementation of the FOSS Kits as the basis of our STEM program
- Developing critical thinking at age appropriate levels
- Teaching the Scientific Process through science/STEM notebooks, teacher/student collaboration and concrete exploration
- Integrated Understanding by Design STEM units for instruction
- STEM common assessments to check for understanding as well as drive instruction
- Monthly STEM school wide/community showcases
- Field experiences